Saturday 23 June 2012

What meanies...

One of my favourite ways to relax is reading magazines (I save the trashy romance novels for holidays).  So there I was, winding down on a Friday evening (feeling very proud of myself having figured out how to design and add a banner to this blog!) only to come across an article in Grazia that confirmed my worst fears.... creating a blog and 'putting yourself out there' is going to open the door to potential abuse.

I'm not just talking criticism either - I mean FULL ON nasty comments.....

I'd like to say I'm shocked - but I'm not really.  It saddens me that there are so many rude and nasty people in the world with nothing better to do than upset others.  However I have to say, through my own experiences as both student and teacher, there is nearly always some underlying reason for individuals behaving in this way. 

I am not naive to the awfulness that surrounds us but I have wised up to the fact that I should just ignore it and enjoy my own life.  So - what will I do if this happens to me?  First of all direct them to this post and then delete...delete...delete!

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